Tuesday 16 September 2008

Official Warning!!!

Recently I received a email telling be about how I was neglecting my blog.....again!
So upon news of this and not wanting to receive another warning, here is my latest entry. lol
And now that im here, im suffering with 'Bloggers Block!!'
But one thing that was puzzling me today was a song by the Red Hot Chilli Peppers, 'The Zephyr Song'. In the verse it says 'Fly away on my Zephyr'
What is a Zephyr?
Yes, its car, yes, its a bike, yes, its a king of airship/blimp. But what I think it is, is a Westerley Wind...Zephyrus, from Greek mythology.
If you know any different....answers on a postcard please!

1 comment:

Izabela said...

Poor Stu, tel me who that mean dragon was who made you update your blog again...heheh...maybe that's just coz I'm naive but I still hope you will start posting things without anyone forcing you to do it. :)